Research­project D-2
ASPA - Synthesis of drugs from plants and pharmaceutical analysis
Citizen Science Research Project Spirulina Research Team Member Stefanie Holzer FightsGlobal Hunger and Poverty
Martina Sandmann
Sustainable Sea & Ocean Solution
Citizen Science Research Topic Spirulina Research Team Member Tassilo Küpper Fights for Environmental Protection and Biodiversity
Tom Prsybilla
Sustainable Sea & Ocean Solution

Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions establishes new technologies for aquaculture and marine and coastal clean-up applications.

What drives us

Healthy oceans and coastal areas are vital to the future of the planet.Increasing pollution and overfishing make research and innovation for sustainable use of the ocean habitat a major concern.

What we do

Our research project is looking at the causes and origins of air pollution, as well as new devices for removing plastic waste from the oceans and recycling ocean-derived plastic,

In this way, we will be able to develop new technologies against increasing marine pollution and surprise.

Book trip for Citizen Science research project Spirulina Polynesia research with scientists for knowledge transfer for lay people
Three quarters of the rubbish in the sea consists of plastic, specifically 4.8 - 12.7 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year. This plastic is a constantly growing problem and costs tens of thousands of animals their lives every year. This is because it can take several hundred to thousands of years for plastic to completely decompose. Until then, it merely decomposes into smaller and smaller particles. These small, solid and water-insoluble plastic particles under 5 mm in size are called microplastics.
Research­project D-2
ASPA - Synthesis of drugs from plants and pharmaceutical analysis
Fiktives Reisedatum 18.06.23 - 02.07.23
Fiktives Reisedatum 02.07.23 - 16.07.23
Fiktives Reisedatum 16.07.23 - 01.07.23