Become a ship owner and create knowledge for climate protection and knowledge transfer researching together

As shipowners we enable people for Citizen Science

Turning tourists into scientists - that is the intention of our community of shipowners. Following the successes of our study cruises, we are now offering citizen science ship cruises for citizens and scientific laypeople for the very first time. Many travellers don't just want to be consumers on holiday, but want to make an active contribution and create new knowledge. Through Citizen Science, we integrate holiday and travel pleasure with exciting science.

Anyone who wants can actively participate in the research projects on board, or just watch the researchers at their scientific projects and listen to the scientific lectures on the current research topic on board.

This is how we can create scientific exchange and exciting encounters on board.

Volunteer research

Shipowner Citizen Science for File Analysis and Data Tranfer Citizen Research for Climate Protection and Environmental Protection

combine sea voyages with science

As shipowners, we enable citizens and lay people to become Citizen Scientists and combine sea voyages and expedition cruises with science and research on board our research vessel. These are Citizen Science holidays as a new, innovative, and sustainable travel model. Experience exciting vacations as ship voyages together with researchers and research projects while living on board. This is Citizen Science in action, creating awareness for the challenging issues of our time by increasing knowledge, whether it be for climate protection, environmental protection, or marine protection.
The DocShip e.V. association is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Citizen Science research projects.

Citizen Science

Schiffseigner Bürgerforschung Citizen Science Plattform für gemeinsam forschen und wissen

support Citizen Science as shipowner

As a shipowner, you support Citizen Science, which involves:

  • Citizen scientists collecting and analysing large amounts of data
  • Laypersons integrating into research projects
  • Researchers on board opening up new perspectives and creating awareness
  • Innovative research projects on climate protection, environmental issues, and marine pollution
  • Lecturers and lectures conveying the research activities on board
  • Fully experienced, exciting science on board our research ship
  • An absence of luxury on board, replaced by authenticity
  • Experience and adventure instead of lazy consumption
  • Rough and invigorating sea voyages instead of uneventful cruises

Citizen Science
Ship Voyages

Ship owners to help research Citizens to create knowledge through Citizen Science on board research vessel

Research tourism is a new way of discover

Research tourism is a new way of discovering the world. The focus is on active experience combined with knowledge growth. The focus is not on luxury and consumption, but much rather on nature and the pure fascination that the sea offers. The passengers are citizen scientists who can actively participate in the research projects if they wish. We believe that gentle and sustainable tourism will contribute towards a positive change in the environment over the long term.


Become a
Citizen Scientist

Owners' association of doctors and academics for research vessel

Become a shipowner

Become a ship owner and scientist as a Citizen Scientist and become a member of the research team on board doing research together
apply now We want your skills