shipping company ship owner Citizen Science for research and teaching students research with citizens science

dialogue between citizens and researchers

Research projects must produce usable results. Basic research is often very theory-laden, elitist, and university-based. On the other hand, citizen science actively involves scientific laypersons and students in research projects, from which relevant research results can then emerge. Science can often not be understood by lay people. One task of Citizen Science is to integrate citizens into scientific research projects so that they then become understandable and comprehensible to them.

Citizen Science is therefore an excellent way to make science tangible for and accessible to everyone. Citizen Science produces a dialogue between citizens and researchers and raises awareness for societal challenges such as environmental pollution, intercultural differences, and climate change, while working against indifference.

Researching together - for a better future.

for students

shipping company ship owners research projects citizens create know with research ship and doctors on board

experience your first research

Students or undergraduates can experience their first research activities through our Citizen Science research projects on our research vessel alongside their studies and during semester breaks. Citizen Science is an excellent vehicle for presenting research in a vivid manner for our young prospective scientists.

Experiencing research in an exciting environment and carrying out the research projects as a team is one of the missions of Citizen Science.

Become part of our research community on board.


creates knowledge

shipping company ship owner research topics for climate protection and environmental protection on ship for Citizen Science projects

carrying out research projects

The use of students as Citizen Scientists is indispensable, especially for carrying out the research projects or case numbers that can only be generated from the sea, the beach or the coast.

Experience exciting expedition cruises with us, accompanied by students who all lend a hand while on board. Whether it be to support the regular crew on our research vessel, or to actively support the research projects on board - we want you and your skills on board!

Cruise company ship owners research projectsapply for climate research through Citizen Science
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We want your skills