Owner's Meeting for Ship Owners Citizen Research on Research Vessel Together Creating Knowledge and Participating in Research

shipowners meeting of Poseidon GmbH Co KGaA

The owners' meeting of Poseidon GmbH & Co KGaA takes place as a shareholders' meeting once a year in alternating European port locations. The first shareholders' meeting will probably held in Venice in November 2023. In cooperation with the association DocShip e.V. association, the shareholders shall discuss the Citizen Science research projects and travel itineraries that will be selected.

Medical investment
Citizen Science

Owner's Meeting Shipowner Citizen Science Definition Research topics and research projects forcitizens.

conservation of biodiversity

The focus of the citizen science expeditions is the conservation of the biodiversity of the world's oceans through a form of open science (citizen research), in which projects are carried out with the help of or entirely by interested scientific laypeople.

By purchasing shares, your investment shall support our research community, and you shall receive an attractive ROI in the form of a right to use the owner's cabin. Our ethical investment, both sensible and attractive.

Owner's meeting ship owners on researchCitizens research climate protection and environmental protection Investment ship
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