Maritime Institute for Citizen Science jointly creating knowledge for knowledge transfer through data analysis

internationally renowned research institutes

The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research) is an internationally renowned research institute based in Bremerhaven. In addition to polar research, the researchers at the Alfred-Wegener Institute also focus on the geosciences, climate science and biodiversity.

The AWI plays a central role in coastal protection of the North Sea and Baltic Sea and oversees the research ship MS Polarstern. In particular, its MOSAIC project (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) has attracted widespread public interest. It also manages the research ships MS Heincke and MS Mya II as well as two research aircraft.

Research vessel

Maritime Institute forResearch Together Creating Knowledge on Citizen Science Platform with Citizen Engagement

climate science and marine ecology

The GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research is based in Kiel. GEOMAR is an internationally renowned research institution with a scientific focus on marine research. In addition, it also runs geochemical, geophysical, geobiological and meteorological research projects.

Research at GEOMAR is increasingly focusing on the research fields of climate science and marine ecology. GEOMAR operates the research ships MS Alkor, MS Ittorina, and the research vessel MS Polarfuchs.


Maritime Institutes for Climate Research through Citizenscience and Citizen Research for Technology Transfer and Data Analysis.

maritime-technological innovations

The Thünen Institute, headed by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), is based in Braunschweig. As a policy-advising research institution, the Thünen Institute carries out research projects for ecologically sustainable fisheries and aquaculture and promotes socio-economic, ecological-marine, and maritime-technological innovations.

The MS Walther Herwig III is the largest of the three research vessels (MS Walter Herwig III, MS Sole, MS Culpea) operated by the Thünen Institute. The fisheries research vessel was put into service in 1993 and is expected to be replaced by a newly built research vessel (MS Walter Herwig IV).

Citizens create

Maritime Institutes to collaborate on research through Citizen Science Actions and Projects Research Topics Submit Application

research mission: promote new marine technologies

The Hereon Institute is part of the Helmoltz Association of German Research Centres based in Geesthacht. The research mission of the Hereon Institute is to promote new marine technologies that contribute towards the protection of the oceans, inland seas and coasts.

In addition, another research focus is the promotion of innovation on the increasing challenges of climate change.

Citizen Science Research

Citizens research with NGO for knowledge transfer and technology support for data analysis Climate protection

Maritime NGO

A non-governmental organization, or an NGO, constitutes an organization, a network or an interest group. According to the WHO, an NGO is a civil society private organization that is not state-funded and which pursues non-profit objectives.

NGOs work to solve social or environmental problems and contribute to the progress and betterment of our world. In Germany, they often take the legal form of a registered association (e.V.) or a private foundation.

Citizen Science

With NGO Citizen Science Projects Together and Together Create Knowledge for Citizens onClimate Research

Research as a Citizen Scientist

What are the advantages of Citizen Science for NGOs and non-profits? Citizen Science enables the collection of large amounts of data, producing data analyses with a correspondingly high number of cases.  Only research questions can arise and thus innovative research projects can be applied for through Citizen Science. The dedicated work of the Citizen Scientists results in a transfer of knowledge and technology.

In addition, citizen science aims to raise awareness of particular social challenges. For citizen scientists,
the exchange of knowledge and data is priceless. Research should take the form of a democratized process and should not just take place behind closed university doors. Citizen Science also awakens the joy of discovery and an awareness of environmental protection and climate protection issues.

Maritime Institute for students to transfer knowledge with Citizen Science and citizens research together Data analysis
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