Expedition Polar Research with Research Vessel as Citizen Scientist and Explore Polar Regions and Create Knowledge

Climate Protection & Polar Research

We support polar science and research projects on climate protection. Polar enthusiasts can also travel with us as Citizen Scientists to the Arctic and Antarctic. Our research results sensitize the public and society to the fascination and uniqueness of the polar regions. The North Pole and the South Pole are unique natural assets that simply cannot be
ruined by the mining of raw materials or rare earths.

This is because they occupy a place on our planet that is particularly worthy of protection.

to the Arctic

Expedition Polar Research with Research Vessel to the South Pole Citizens Create Knowledge as Researchers

extreme climatic stress for citizen scientists

Learn team building on board as a member of our research team! The Arctic and Antarctic regions do not just mean extreme climatic stress for citizen scientists and crew alike. On our polar expeditions we spend several weeks to months completely isolated in extremely inhospitable polar climate zones (North Pole, Arctic Ocean, South Pole, Southern Ocean, Weddel Sea, Amundsen Sea). This means that during this time we are almost completely on our own in almost all matters. This is a scenario in which team spirit is all the more important.

So why not become a part of our research team?

to the Antarctic

Expedition Polar Research with Research Vessel to the North Pole Citizens Create Knowledge as a Research Journey

support scientists who conduct polar research

In Germany, polar research has been coordinated by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven since 1980. Polar research has enjoyed a long tradition. The German Society for Polar Research has existed since 1931 and publishes the journal "Polarforschung".
We support scientists who conduct polar research and climate research.

Become a
climate protector

Book expedition polar research and make as expedition trip with research ship for Citizenscience
Polar research for students

As a result of the necessity to environmentally protect the Arctic, the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, a university network with a virtual university of the Arctic (UArctic) was established in 2001. There, students can study to become a Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies.

The results of polar research are also published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the "United Nations Environment Programme - Global Resource Information Database", a globally networked scientific resource.

Expedition Polarforschung für Citizen Science zum forschenschen und für Wissenschaftler, Lehrer, Tutoren und Dozenten
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